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Gridley Herald

Bird Flu Detected in a Backyard Poultry Flock

Jan 09, 2025 09:37AM ● By Butte County Public Health News Release

The Butte County Department of Public Health wants poultry owners to be aware of the potential for H5N1 exposures. Photo by William Dais via Pixabay

BUTTE COUNTY, CA (MPG) - The Butte County Department of Public Health (BCPH) has received notification from the California Department of Public Health (CDPH) of a bird flu (H5N1) infection in a non-commercial backyard poultry flock in Butte County.

The Butte County Department of Public Health wants poultry owners to be aware of the potential for H5N1 exposure, know the signs of infected poultry and take steps to prevent exposure to themselves and others.

While the general public's health risk is low, people who work with birds, poultry or cows or have recreational exposure to them are at higher risk. There have been no reported human H5N1 bird flu cases among Butte County residents, as of press time.

The best way to protect yourself and your family from H5N1 is to avoid sources of exposure. That means avoiding direct contact with wild birds and other animals infected with or suspected to be infected with bird flu viruses.

The bird flu virus is mainly spread by wild birds, especially in wild waterfowl such as ducks and geese. Any wild bird species can also become a source. The Butte County Department of Public Health strongly urges anyone involved with poultry production from the small backyard to the large commercial to protect their flocks by increasing steps to prevent disease.

Recommendations for bird flu virus prevention can be found on the California Department of Food and Agricultural website at and the United States Department of Agriculture website at

Signs of H5N1 in poultry often include sudden death, trouble breathing, clear runny discharge (from nose, mouth, and eyes), lethargy, diarrhea, decreased food and water intake, swelling (eyes, head, wattles, or combs), discolored or bruised comb, wattles, or legs, stumbling/falling or twisted neck.

Poultry owners with flocks that have experienced any unusual/suspicious illness or deaths should call the California Department of Food and Agriculture Sick Bird Hotline at 866-922-BIRD (2473).

Backyard poultry flock owners should take steps to prevent the spread of the disease, which are listed below.

Avoid touching your face when handling poultry.

Always wash your hands with soap and warm water before and after handling poultry.

Separate new or returning birds from your flock for at least 30 days.

Don’t share equipment with neighbors.

Keep feed, drinking water, equipment and other supplies secure and out of reach of wild birds or rodents.

Keep your flock away from wild or migratory birds, especially waterfowl.

Isolate any ill animals and contact your veterinarian.

Consider wearing personal protective equipment (PPE) such as respirators (N95 masks), eye protection (face shields or safety goggles) and gloves.

Have a dedicated pair of boots or other closed-toe footwear that are worn when handling poultry and working near poultry equipment and supplies. Remove these shoes before entering your home.

For more information about the bird flu (H5N1), check out the California Department of Public Health Bird Flu website at

View the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s Bird Flu Current Situation website at

View the American Veterinarian Medical Association avian influenza website at