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Gridley Herald

Firefighters Rescue Kitten

Dec 27, 2024 09:11AM ● By Connie Voss

Fire truck number 74 was dispatched for the kitten rescue after a neighbor called 911. Photo courtesy of Lisa Van De Hey

GRIDLEY, CA (MPG) – CAL FIRE Truck 74 was dispatched Dec. 17 to rescue a kitten from the top of a tall tree on Vermont Street. The cat’s neighbor called 911 and Firefighters Hunter Noel and Dakota McGinnis responded. Noel climbed the ladder and McGinnis was the operator. 

“We usually wait a little while to see if the cat comes down on its own,” Noel said.

But because it was a kitten, they decided that action was needed sooner. 

Firefighters Dakota McGinnis and Hunter Noel rescued this kitten. Photo courtesy of Lisa Van De Hey

The Fire Department has received three animal calls within a month’s time. One was for a cat stuck behind a water heater. Firefighters had to take the water heater out to retrieve the cat. Another call was for puppies stuck in a crawl space. 

“We’re always happy to help,” Noel said. “Never hesitate to call after you have exhausted other ways of getting the animal down or out, such as coaxing them with food, etc.”