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Gridley Herald

Community Shot Clinic Being Held in Live Oak

Sep 05, 2024 11:11AM ● By Sutter County Health and Human Services News Release

SUTTER COUNTY, CA (MPG) - Sutter County Public Health is holding a Community Shot Clinic on Saturday, Oct. 12, between the hours of 10 a.m. and 1 p.m. The clinic is being held at the Live Oak High School gym, 2351 Pennington Road in Live Oak.  Free injectable flu vaccine will be given at the clinic for Sutter County residents ages six months and older. A free injectable COVID vaccine is also available for those ages six months and older.

Getting vaccinated remains the single most effective way to prevent illness and it is very important to get your flu and COVID vaccines in addition to washing your hands, covering your cough, and staying home when you are sick.

The clinic is a public health emergency preparedness exercise that helps Sutter County Public Health test its emergency plans and train staff.  It also offers residents an opportunity to participate and learn about one of the ways public health prepares to protect the people of our community in the event of an epidemic or other health emergency.     

The community clinic is for ALL Sutter County residents 6 months of age and up. No appointments necessary.

Sutter County Public Health asks the community to be prepared for the clinic by understanding the following information:

Injectable flu vaccine and injectable COVID vaccine are available for residents six months and older. If over the age of three: Wear clothing that quickly bares the upper arm near the shoulder for the injection. For ages three and under: Wear clothing that quickly bares the thigh near the hip joint for the injection.