Zumwalt Takes Over Bulldogs Football Program
Jul 18, 2024 09:56AM ● By Steven Bryla
Daniel Zumwalt was named the new head coach of the Gridley Bulldogs football program. Photo courtesy of Daniel Zumwalt
GRIDLEY, CA (MPG) - The Gridley Bulldogs football program named their third head coach in the last three seasons as Daniel Zumwalt is now the top dog.
Zumwalt took over for former head coach Mike Meyer as he resigned from his position in May due to personal reasons. Zumwalt was an assistant in the program last season and has spent multiple years as a prominent coach in the Gridley Titans football organization.
Zumwalt expressed to the Herald that he is grateful and happy about the opportunity that he has been given and is excited to get back to work once the dead period is over.
As he was a part of the Titans for years, Zumwalt told the Herald he has seen these kids grow up before his eyes throughout the years of coaching them and watched their careers evolve, becoming great young men.
“The guys’ biggest attribute they have developed over the years is their leadership skills by their actions as a whole and verbally encouraging one another,” Zumwalt said.
Since he was given the title of being the new head coach, Zumwalt has gotten staff in place and worked with them on a system to succeed during the regular season.
The success of the program is not going to start on the field, but in the classroom as Zumwalt told the Herald he is attempting to have his team focused on excelling in the classroom first prior to anything.
Zumwalt added that the Bulldogs will be senior heavy this season, and experienced at a lot of different positions throughout the field.
Gridley is like all other Northern Sections — in the dead period of the season — and will be putting pads on for the first time of the season in the first week of August.
The Bulldogs open up the season on Friday, August 30, as they hit the road to Redding and play at University Prep. Gridley will also hit the road for the Harvest Bowl trophy on Friday, October 25, to Live Oak in hopes of claiming the title for the 11th straight time.