The Time is Meow!
Apr 11, 2024 03:38PM ● By Gridley Animal Control News Release
GRIDLEY, CA (MPG) - The time is meow! With the warm weather approaching, kitten season will soon be upon us. This is the time that all of the unaltered cats living in our community give birth and come out of hiding. Gridley Animal Control Services is reaching out to request monetary donations to provide funding for our city’s TNR Program.
The Gridley TNR is a community-based program that benefits the cats and residents in the city of Gridley. It is free to utilize and available to all residents living within the incorporated city limits of Gridley. TNR stabilizes feral cat populations by stopping the breeding cycle and disruptive mating behaviors — such as yowling, spraying, roaming, and fighting — so cats and humans can coexist peacefully. Spayed/neutered and vaccinated community cats are also beneficial to our city because they help to control the rodent population.
TNR (Trap-Neuter-Release) is the only humane and effective approach to controlling feral cat populations. Feral cats, also known as community cats, are un-owned, un-socialized cats who are unable to be adopted into homes, and live their lives outside. During TNR, feral cats are humanely trapped, taken to a veterinarian to be spayed/neutered, vaccinated, have their ear’s tipped for identification, and are then returned back to their outdoor homes. Spay/neutering and vaccinations are required by law, and they are our only way to control the growing pet population.
The cost to our TNR program for one cat is $55, which includes spay/neuter, vaccines, ear tipping, and medications. A colony of 20 cats costs the program approximately $1,100.
Please consider sending a monetary donation in any amount to: Gridley Animal Control, 685 Kentucky St., Gridley, CA, 95948, to help support your community and be a part of the solution.
Need to utilize the community TNR program? Contact Gridley Animal Control by phone at 530-846-4825 or email [email protected]