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Gridley Herald

Live Oak Announces Mark Scott as Interim City Manager

Apr 11, 2024 03:26PM ● By Sharon Pearce

LIVE OAK, CA (MPG) - A short Live Oak council meeting was made even shorter for those viewing through the Granicus Live Stream on April 3, which disconnected but the Zoom link did provide coverage of a new interim city manager being introduced.

Mark Scott, a retired city manager, who said he was happy to take on these jobs, accepted the offer.

Described as an annuitant with special parameters as to how he could serve, Scott spoke from the podium to introduce himself to City Council and Live Oak citizens. Some requirements are that he is limited in the number of hours he can work each week and the full assignment cannot run more than 960 hours, which would take him potentially to late 2024.

City Council stated that a number of possible hires were interviewed for the position.

Scott expressed appreciation for the opportunity to be Live Oak city manager, stating this was the 11th time he had done this. “This is what I love doing,” Scott said, enjoying the moment.  In his initial remarks, Scott said, “Some might say driving from Fresno every week is ‘borderline crazy’ but this is what I do.” 

Scott commented to City Council, “I appreciate how you work with each other respectfully and the good words you have for your staff.” Scott said he has already spent time with Parks and Recreation director Luis (Ciprian).

Scott continued, “Ultimately, I work for the City Council and take direction from it. I am interested in what each of you think. I promise you I will have fun and the people around me are having fun.”

Scott revealed his understanding and experience in the sophistication of city management, saying, “I will be as non-political as possible. I will never count votes (as to who might back his positions). Each councilmember has a vote on everything.” He added, “I will do my best to keep you informed.”

City Council responded by thanking Scott for joining them.

The consent items, all passing unanimously, included a resolution approving changes to the city manager’s compensation and adopting an amended salary schedule recommendation increase from $150,000 to $225,000 annually.

The meeting also included a recognition to Deputy Ryan Tapia for his service. He was present for a City Council group photo.

A Sexual Assault Awareness Month proclamation was presented to Casa de Esperanza, a domestic violence shelter serving the Yuba, Sutter and Colusa counties area with a crisis line of 530-674-2040. City Council indicated Casa de Esperanza led the way in providing phone contact and other active efforts, in collaboration with others, in every segment of society to provide help and hope as to sexual assault awareness with a goal that the message “No means No” is understood by all.

The next regular Live Oak City Council meeting will be at 6 p.m. April 17 at City Hall, 9955 Live Oak Blvd.