Retired City Manager Mark Scott Answers Live Oak’s Call
Apr 03, 2024 04:04PM ● By Sharon PearceLIVE OAK, CA (MPG) - Mark Scott, a retired city manager, has agreed to take the reins of Live Oak’s empty city manager’s seat until late 2024. Scott answered the call through a search firm that provides interim professional executives to municipalities. Scott is limited to serving no more than 960 hours per year in this kind of position.
A Closed Special Session relative to this appointment was scheduled for 5:30 p.m. prior to the public council meeting on April 3, after press time. Nicole Rosser, Live Oak’s city attorney, entered on the Consent Agenda for the meeting a resolution approving changes to the compensation of the city manager and adopting an amended salary schedule recommendation, changing the annual salary from $150,000 to $225,000.
Live Oak City Manager Aaron Powell left the position, which he held since Aug. 1, 2019, on March 8. Before that Powell served as interim city manager here. Palmer was presented with a plaque memorializing his service at the March 6 City Council meeting.
Luis Ciprian, director of Parks and Recreation, added serving as interim city manager to his work profile since then but could not fill both full-time positions.
In addition to the direct responsibilities, the city manager also serves on committees and commissions such as SCORE (Small Cities Organized Risk Effort), an association that protects member resources by stabilizing risk costs for liabilities for small Northern California communities, JPA (Joint Powers Authorities) that also assists municipalities with financial risk management, and SACOG, the Sacramento Area Council of Governments.