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Gridley Herald

Woten Says ‘Get Something Going’ for Sheriff’s Contract

Mar 14, 2024 09:16AM ● By Sharon Pearce

LIVE OAK, CA (MPG) – Live Oak City Council appointed two replacement members to the Planning Commission from seven applicants on March 6.

Matt Cashman and Mike Tuman will serve four-year terms. Applicants were publicly interviewed either in person or by Zoom at the meeting. Much general discussion was about a desire to see Live Oak retain a quiet, small-town atmosphere, while at the same time focusing on rehabilitation and upgrading its downtown, and to preserve the structures it has. Another two applicants will be selected at the same time in 2025, no applicants will be selected in 2026 and another two applicants will be appointed in 2027 to fill the staggered terms.

High school student Aubrey Lopez requested the city’s permission to paint a mural on a mechanic’s shop in town to honor the community as one with the legacy of a strong work ethic. The Municipal Code does not provide guidance on murals so city staff was asked for direction to establish such a process. It was announced that 10 large-scale murals have been painted in Live Oak since 2017.

Lopez gave City Council members copies of her mural vision of two men working in a field in the foreground with trees fading into the background. The council responded positively to the request. Live Oak City Manager Aaron Palmer reported that $20,000 annually is put into grants for the arts, suggesting that it could be a source to defray Lopez’ expenses.

Councilmember Jeramy Chapdelaine encouraged it as a great project for matching funds, with Vice-Mayor Nancy Santana, also an Arts Commission member, saying she will pass the word along to encourage this project.

Four Q Street residents pleaded with City Council to address dilapidation and garbage on properties there, especially near Date Street.

One Q Street resident said that she has complained about this problem for 10 years. Another said she has spent more money than she earns fixing her own fence with nothing done by the city about the street. They said that the sidewalks aren’t paved and the sidewalks turn to mud when it rains. With the need to repair potholes and add stop signs, the Q Street residents said, the area needs to be cleaned and made safer for children and dogs. The residents were told that a code enforcement officer would be in contact.

City Manager Palmer’s service to the city was acknowledged with a plaque, and photograph.

All Consent Calendar items were passed, including updates to the General Plan and Housing Element. The latter, said contract planner Kevin Valente, is updated annually. All building permits for the year are entered into the state of California’s spreadsheet, which identifies the status of housing. Valente said that Crystal Court was the last development built in Live Oak and that the state “wants them to rezone from high quality” but there have been no new apartments.   

Councilmember Bob Woten reinforced what he expressed in the last council meeting about refocusing on the unsigned sheriff’s contract.

“Can we just analyze it again, just get something going? I feel an urgency,” said Woten and warned, “…they (the Sheriff’s Office) must plan a budget and we have our own budget. We need to dig down and see if we can get this taken care of.”

Councilmember Lakhvir Ghag concurred.

Santana complained that citizen complaints on Councilmember Facebook pages are not always interfaced with and complainants redirected to the City’s website where transparent answers might be available.

The next council member will be at 6 p.m. March 20 at City Hall, 9955 Live Oak Blvd.