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Gridley Herald

Local Masons Prepare for Scholarship Fundraiser Breakfast

Mar 06, 2024 02:06PM ● By Cindy Scott

In February, members of six area Masonic lodges gathered for the presentation of Joshua Battaglia’s third degree. The North Butte Masonic Lodge will host a scholarship fundraiser breakfast Sunday, March 24. Photo provided by John Neiswanger

GRIDLEY, CA (MPG) - If you’ve never attended the local Mason’s Scholarship Breakfast, you are in for a treat! The menu includes: pancakes, waffles, breakfast burritos, eggs (tell us how you want ‘em, take ‘em how you get ‘em), sausage, chorizo, orange drink, and coffee.

The Masons use the funds to award scholarships to two students at each area high school: Biggs, Gridley, and Live Oak. They award scholarships to seniors continuing their education, with preference to students in the trades.

The local Masonic Lodge Scholarship Breakfast is coming up Sunday, March 24, from 7:30 a.m. - 10:30 a.m. at the Masonic Lodge, 1200 Sycamore Street in Gridley. There is a wheelchair ramp at the rear.

Tickets are Adults $10, Ages 6-12 $5, Under 6 Free. Contact a local Mason, call John Neiswanger at 916-997-1835, or purchase tickets at the door.