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Gridley Herald

Missionary Returns from Service in Louisiana and Mississippi

Feb 19, 2024 04:55PM ● By Cindy Scott

Elias Counihan served as a full-time missionary for two years in Louisiana and Mississippi. Photo provided by Elias Counihan

GRIDLEY, CA (MPG) - Elias Counihan of Gridley has completed a full-time mission to the Louisiana Baton Rouge Mission of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. He served in New Orleans and Covington, Louisiana, and also in the Mississippi towns of Laurel, Greenville, and Biloxi. Of his experience, Counihan says, “Give up something you love for the God you love more.”

Counihan will share his mission experiences to his home congregation, Liberty 1st Ward, at 10:00am this Sunday, February 18. All are invited. His future plans are work, education, and a possible career in law enforcement. His parents are Ben and LaDonna Counihan.