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Gridley Herald

Contracts and 2024 Holiday Lights Top Live Oak Council

Dec 27, 2023 03:31PM ● By Sharon Pearce

LIVE OAK, CA (MPG) - Bringing to conclusion long-pending contracts with the Sheriff and Fire Dept. dominated discussion at the last Live Oak City Council of 2023 on December 20th. The Fire Dept. contract had run, but returning a new one had been put in abeyance pending working on the more costly Sheriff’s Contract. Council started unsure of how long the Fire Dept. contract had been in negotiation, and upon checking, determined the old contract ran in June 2022.

Mayor Ashley Hernandez and Vice-Mayor Nancy Santana expressed much consternation over the fact that the Fire Dept. contract ran the very next month after Council started negotiating the Sheriff’s contract. Confusion was expressed as to whether anyone formally said not to continue to focus on the Fire contract until the Sheriff’s contract was done. Mayor Hernandez commented “That is unbelievable and embarrassing.” Vice-Mayor Santana commented she would never have said “Wait” on a Fire contract. “We need to get the Fire contract done for our community and residents, and not put it on the back burner.”

Santana asked for a special meeting, and City Manager Aaron Palmer agreed to set it for 1pm Friday, December 22, with Chief Epperson present. Palmer said he would also show payments made to the Fire Dept. since June 2022, and indicated he would call the County the first thing the next morning, the 21st, to make sure the contract would be sent in for the meeting on the 22nd.

As to the Fire contract, Palmer indicated the Fire Dept. is requesting a third firefighter, and to pick up a battalion chief, and they want the firefighter cost covered on a split of 85/15% up from 80%. The overall increase to the city for the contract would be $244K. Council discussed details on equipment, and which firefighters were qualified as medics for emergencies, including for administering drugs. Vice-Mayor Santana said she would like the third firefighter, and for him to be in Live Oak 100% of the time.

Council members went through reassignments to committee positions. Vice-Mayor Santana requested to be on the Arts Committee. Jeramy Chapdelaine wanted to stay on the LAFCO and SACOG Committees. Bob Woten requested to stay on Economic Development but switched out to Mayor Hernandez being the Regular, and he being the Alternate. Woten said he wanted to remain on the Executive Committee of the Yuba Sutter Economic Development Commission (YSEDC). All new assignments were to be laid out and distributed to council.

Councilmember Lakhvir Ghag reported on his meetings, stating the League of Cities meeting emphasized safety, and keeping crime down, followed by Housing, with an emphasis to build smaller houses for affordability. The Mosquito Vector meeting revealed a case of West Nile had been recorded, and vehicles had been sold at auction, returning good money. At SACOG, the emphasis was on a possible toll highway developing with three different toll lanes and how many members for that committee would come from each county. The Feather River Air Quality meeting indicated that trading in vehicles is beginning and Live Oak can put in an application in January.

Council member Ghag commented “Let’s work together; strength is in numbers. Let’s make this the best community to live in and raise our children.” He also shared that an individual connected with the Live Oak Chamber told him the person had a lot of old Chamber records and material that some organization needs to take over and that person would be willing to meet with the city about the material, which may include banners used in the past for holidays. Councilmember Ghag recommended reactivating the office upstairs that had been set aside for meetings for the mayor and council members, to which the council agreed.

Vice-Mayor Santana indicated residents had commented that the city’s holiday decorations were few and very old and would appreciate upgrades on our lights, having them down Broadway, and updating decorations. “I’d like to see lights on our City Hall,” said Santana, who offered to donate a large tree off her property which could be relocated and decorated. The Vice-Mayor also inquired if candy could be thrown from the Santa on a Fire Truck event on the 21st to make it more special. Mayor Hernandez indicated residents would like to create a volunteer committee where money for decorations could be brought in, so not all of it would just be from the City.

Director of Public Works Ron Walker was recognized with an award and his photo taken.

The Holiday Lights Decorating Contest winners were Bessara, 3rd; the Watson family, 2nd; the Bates family, 1st and the Mayor’s Pick, Erlick Hedrick, apartment.

Council approved Additional Business Grant Applications recommending funding all 14, and approving a budget transfer of $245,000 in American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) funding.

The meeting adjourned at 7 pm.