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Gridley Herald

A Note from the Sutter County Sheriff's Office with Regard to Dangerous Fireworks

Jun 24, 2020 12:00AM ● By Sutter County Sheriff's Office Press Release

SUTTER COUNTY, CA (MPG) - Ordinances for the City of Live Oak and County of Sutter for dangerous fireworks states, “It shall be unlawful for any person or Responsible Party to possess, sell, use of discharge Dangerous Fireworks unless a permit authorizing such possession, sale, use or discharge has been issued by the Enforcing Officer to the person or Responsible Party using, selling, discharging or found in possession of said Dangerous Fireworks….”

The “Responsible Party” includes the person who owns, rents, leases or otherwise has possession of the resident or private property, the person in immediate control of the property and who organizes, supervises, sponsors, conducts, allows, controls, or controls access to the illegal discharge of fireworks.”

Further information can be found in the City of Live Oak Ordinance 9.44.030 or Sutter County Ordinance 485-030. Violating these ordinances can result in a $1,000 fine.